Well, it's painfully obvious that since Jack was born (six days after my last post) that I've been as likely to play Guitar Hero: Nickelback as post on this blog. Lest it seem I'm blaming my adorable eight-month-old son for my shoddy output, I'd also like to blame the teenagers I attempt to teach the magic of cinema to every day, since their vacuous stares and incessant texting-while-watching-some-of-my-favorite-goddamn-movies-ever makes the prospect of thinking and writing more about movies when I get home practically unbearable.
But now that same ennui is making me think about restarting this thing again. It's near the end of the year, and I'm feeling incredibly unproductive at work -- as much as I love teaching film, the fact that I seem to be getting so little in return is making me want to work even less, and I'm starting (hell, I started a while ago) to think about what I'm going to change in the curriculum this summer and how it will play out in the fall. In other words, I need something concrete right now that I can feel moderately good about. It's sad, but at this point I will feel a greater sense of accomplishment writing blog posts that no one will ever read than teaching 130 young minds every day. Yup, it must almost be May.