Monday, September 3, 2007

Summer School, Part II

I only used that as a title for this post since I would look like more of a jackass than I already do if I didn't tack on at least one more Roman numeral to this "series" before summer officially ends (tomorrow, when I go back to school). Although it sounds counterintuitive to say I will update this thing more often during the school year, it's pretty hard to do worse than once every two and a half months.
I'm starting a classroom blog with my five film class sections, and I recently read a book (OK, part of a book) that said if you want your students to actually enjoy posting in their blogs for class assignments, then the teacher better enjoy it, too. So I'm enjoying this, dammit.

I think I set my bar too high when I started out. I was hoping this would turn into something like one of the film blogs listed to my right, but I realize that's unrealistic. The truth is, I don't know what I want this space to look like yet -- observations about teaching? Flm? Pop culture? Rustic French hounds? All of the above? -- so I'll just keep doodling periodically until I figure it out. I always thought I liked writing, but the facts are that I've pretty much always written on deadline, whether it was for the newspapers I worked for or for the term papers I wrote. The only other significant piece of writing I've produced that hasn't been motivated by fear of loss of employment or academic standing was one short story, and that was something like five or six years ago. Will someone who reads this threaten to fire me from the blogosphere if I don't post within a week?

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Tim, I'm reading, but can't threaten to fire you because of my own ennui as of late in the blogosphere. I'm blaming it on a bad case of the back to school blues. Isn't there a Simpsons song about that? Or something?